Cheeseboard for Uncommon Goods


Uncommon Goods wanted to create a labeled cheeseboard that would be instructive and help people know how to put together a cool cheeseboard for entertaining. It had to contain both text and imagery, which would be etched into a wooden board. Images would need to be fun, informative, and not overly detailed to conform to manufacturing processes. The result was a beautiful two-sided wooden cheeseboard that made entertaining fun and easy (and also sold out quickly!).



Product Design

Creative Direction


We started wide, looking at a wide variety of things that are divided and labeled, actively avoiding cheeseboard layouts for the time being. Concepts included aerial landscaped, graphs, charts, abstract art, and butchery diagrams.

We narrowed down the choices to 2 -- a fun, font-heavy diagram, with the words themselves making the spaces for items, and a more delicate diagram, adding line words to the segments.